M-am inscris la acest concurs, m-am pregatit si mai avem putin timp pana cand vom visa cu ochii deschisi, pana cand totul va fi realitate!( eu merg la CCC, Mihai la UTMB)
Este un concurs la care ma gandesc de atatia ani, am vazut prima data cred ca in 2005 cateva pliante cu acest concurs, cred ca de la petzl erau facute, am cautat pe internet si am fost impresionata de ceea ce se intampla acolo!
In 2006 la prima editie de la MPC, seara la inscrieri povesteam cu Andreea si nu ii cunosteam bine pe cei ce ne vor deveni prieteni - familia Chiurlea, si ii priveam cu admiratie pentru ca DA, ei fusesera la UTMB!! Si noi vroiam sa ajungem candva acolo!
Trebuie pregatire, trebuie sa capeti experienta, trebuie rabdare.
Cred ca acum am experienta, poate antrenament nu atat cat imi doresc si am si psihic puternic sa fac fata cursei scurte de aproximativ 98 de km si 5800m diferenta de nivel, timp limita 26h!
Experienta de la Carpathian Adventure din 2005-2009, MPC, Marathon 7500 imi va fi de mare ajutor!
Am fost la Marathon du Mont Blanc in 2008 si 2009, de aici am luat punctul de calificare si m-am motivat mai mult sa revin in 2010 la UTMB!
Abia astept sa revad Chamonix, Alpii, sunt locuri unde merita sa ajungi si sa revi!
La CCC: Major difficulties: Ascension of the Tête de la Tronche (2584m) then Grand col Ferret (2537m) during the first third of the race. The second part leads to 3 heavy ascensions : Bovine, Tseppes and La Tête au vents. The long downhill parts that follow every ascension are as difficult for joints and muscles.
Pentru a participa la UTMB trebuie:
To participate, it is essential:
- To be fully aware of the length and peculiarities of the race and be sufficiently trained for it
- To have acquired, prior to the race, a real capacity for self-sufficiency (1) which permits the management of problems induced by this type of course, and notably:
◊ to know how to face, without outside help, climatic conditions which can become very difficult due to the altitude (night, wind, cold, rain or snow)
◊ to have the know how to face the physical and mental problems as a result of extreme fatigue, digestive problems, articular and muscular pain, minor wounds…...
- To be fully aware that it is not the role of the organization to help a runner to overcome these problems
- To be fully aware that for such an activity in the countryside security depends on the capacity of the runner to adapt to the problems encountered, or envisaged.
Regulamentul este foarte strict si este obligatoriu sa ai un minim de echipament:
Obligatory material :
• mobile phone with option enabling its use in the three countries
(put in one’s repertoire the security numbers of the organisation, keep it switched on, do not hide one’s number and do not forget to set off with recharged batteries)
• personal cup or tumbler 15cl minimum (water bottle not acceptable)
• stock of water minimum 1 litre,
• two torches in good working condition with replacement batteries,
• survival blanket,
• whistle,
• adhesive elastic band enable making a bandage or a strapping (mini 80cm x 3 cm),
• food reserve,
• protective raincoat for bad mountain weather,
• running trousers or leggings (au minimum pedal pushers covering the knees),
• cap or bandana.
Required by the frontier police forces:
• identity papers
Very strongly recommended
- gloves, a hat and warm clothes indispensable in the case of cold weather forecasts
- the sum of 20 euros minimum (in order to cover the unexpected....)
Advised (list not definitive):
telescopic sticks, change of clothing, compass, knife, string, sun cream, Vaseline or anti-overheating cream, needle and thread,...
If you decide to use sticks, you must keep them throughout the whole of the race…No stick will be admitted into the runner’s sacks.
Am urmarit sfaturile lui Sebastien Chaigneau, el a participat si anul trecut la UTMB si va participa si in acest an! A castigat la Olympus Marathon si abia astept sa il revad la Chamonix! Get Ready For?!!!
Este un concurs la care ma gandesc de atatia ani, am vazut prima data cred ca in 2005 cateva pliante cu acest concurs, cred ca de la petzl erau facute, am cautat pe internet si am fost impresionata de ceea ce se intampla acolo!
In 2006 la prima editie de la MPC, seara la inscrieri povesteam cu Andreea si nu ii cunosteam bine pe cei ce ne vor deveni prieteni - familia Chiurlea, si ii priveam cu admiratie pentru ca DA, ei fusesera la UTMB!! Si noi vroiam sa ajungem candva acolo!
Trebuie pregatire, trebuie sa capeti experienta, trebuie rabdare.
Cred ca acum am experienta, poate antrenament nu atat cat imi doresc si am si psihic puternic sa fac fata cursei scurte de aproximativ 98 de km si 5800m diferenta de nivel, timp limita 26h!
Experienta de la Carpathian Adventure din 2005-2009, MPC, Marathon 7500 imi va fi de mare ajutor!
Am fost la Marathon du Mont Blanc in 2008 si 2009, de aici am luat punctul de calificare si m-am motivat mai mult sa revin in 2010 la UTMB!
Abia astept sa revad Chamonix, Alpii, sunt locuri unde merita sa ajungi si sa revi!
La CCC: Major difficulties: Ascension of the Tête de la Tronche (2584m) then Grand col Ferret (2537m) during the first third of the race. The second part leads to 3 heavy ascensions : Bovine, Tseppes and La Tête au vents. The long downhill parts that follow every ascension are as difficult for joints and muscles.
Pentru a participa la UTMB trebuie:
To participate, it is essential:
- To be fully aware of the length and peculiarities of the race and be sufficiently trained for it
- To have acquired, prior to the race, a real capacity for self-sufficiency (1) which permits the management of problems induced by this type of course, and notably:
◊ to know how to face, without outside help, climatic conditions which can become very difficult due to the altitude (night, wind, cold, rain or snow)
◊ to have the know how to face the physical and mental problems as a result of extreme fatigue, digestive problems, articular and muscular pain, minor wounds…...
- To be fully aware that it is not the role of the organization to help a runner to overcome these problems
- To be fully aware that for such an activity in the countryside security depends on the capacity of the runner to adapt to the problems encountered, or envisaged.
Regulamentul este foarte strict si este obligatoriu sa ai un minim de echipament:
Obligatory material :
• mobile phone with option enabling its use in the three countries
(put in one’s repertoire the security numbers of the organisation, keep it switched on, do not hide one’s number and do not forget to set off with recharged batteries)
• personal cup or tumbler 15cl minimum (water bottle not acceptable)
• stock of water minimum 1 litre,
• two torches in good working condition with replacement batteries,
• survival blanket,
• whistle,
• adhesive elastic band enable making a bandage or a strapping (mini 80cm x 3 cm),
• food reserve,
• protective raincoat for bad mountain weather,
• running trousers or leggings (au minimum pedal pushers covering the knees),
• cap or bandana.
Required by the frontier police forces:
• identity papers
Very strongly recommended
- gloves, a hat and warm clothes indispensable in the case of cold weather forecasts
- the sum of 20 euros minimum (in order to cover the unexpected....)
Advised (list not definitive):
telescopic sticks, change of clothing, compass, knife, string, sun cream, Vaseline or anti-overheating cream, needle and thread,...
If you decide to use sticks, you must keep them throughout the whole of the race…No stick will be admitted into the runner’s sacks.
Am urmarit sfaturile lui Sebastien Chaigneau, el a participat si anul trecut la UTMB si va participa si in acest an! A castigat la Olympus Marathon si abia astept sa il revad la Chamonix! Get Ready For?!!!
o serie de filmulete cu multe sfaturi utile!
Multa multa baftaa!!!
Vă dorim mult succes !!!
Foaaarte tareeee! Bafta multa! Citind descrierea asta, m-au luat emotiile pentru tine! ;)
Silvia, Catalin, povestile voastre din ultima luna m-au adus mai aproape de Chamonix si m-au facut sa fiu si mai nerabdatoare sa ajung acolo! Sper sa prind si eu vremea buna pe care ati avut-o voi!
multa bafta!!!!! si o vreme superba! nici nu-mi pun problema ca n-o sa fi pe podium :)
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